Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart!

I can't get over the fact that tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  It seems to have snuck up on me from out of nowhere.  Looking back at the year, I'm amazed at what God has led us through.  And I can't get this hymn out of my mind.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His Son

Where would I be without Him!  How would I go through trials without Him to sustain me, to strengthen me?  I could not go on, not by my own strength.  I'm so thankful for my Savior, my Strength, Healer, Comforter and Friend.  My dad had heart bypass surgery at the age of 80 this year and he is, by the grace of God, doing very well.  I lost a baby this year at 12 weeks but I have a beautiful son that God has allowed me to have.  I am still able to stay home, thanks to God for sustaining us, and my hard-working husband.  We are still serving at our church.  We are surrounded by our family in Christ.  We have a small but beautiful home.  What more can I ask for?  Most importantly, I have my Lord Jesus with me every single day of my life.  And that is what I'm most thankful for.