Thursday, January 5, 2012

Living a Life of Grace

I heard Chuck Swindoll preach this week on living a life of grace.  We need to do 3 things.  First, we need to have mutual acceptance. We need to lighten up on our severity of those around us.  There are 2 killers - controlling and comparing.  Second, we need to release others to who they are.  Let the Lord lead their lives.  We all stand before the judgment seat.  Some people can't keep up so let it be; we are not the standard.  Lastly, we should never assume a role we're not qualified to fill, being anyone else's judge.  I cannot know all the facts; I cannot be totally objective; I can't read their motive; I have my own blind spots.  But Christ has none of those restrictions.  Therefore, only He can righteously judge.  Sometimes I know I can be quick to judge someone and this reminded me that I need to show grace to others, as He does so faithfully to us.

1 comment:

  1. I heard this the other day also, He is so inspiring. I couldn't remember all of it so Thank You for posting it.
